We help you protect your family with parental filters!
Avoid man-in-the middle eavesdropping and bypass censorship. It takes 2 minutes to subscribe and activate the VPN protection for your family.
No personal data involved. 30-day money-back.
- Hide your online footprint from Big Government, Telecoms and Big Tech by using our VPN encryption.
- Bypass censorship, access information and stream service content from 22 different countries.
- Catholic Charities receive 20% of profits.
Our innovative privacy policy guarantees we do not collect or store your information. We do not keep logs on internet traffic and we cannot identify any customer. If a government forces us, we are committed to shut down operations there. Our technology and service is open source and audited.
- Activate optional Parental Filters on each device.
- CruxVPN makes a great present on special occasions to keep cousins families protected.
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