Values matter when choosing service providers
Service providers are not equal when it comes to moral values. We highly recommend staying away from Google, Microsoft and Big Tech, as well as staying away from Protonmail.
No personal data involved.
Big Tech
"Data is the new oil", so they say. Big tech created a whole economy on top of harvesting your personal data, data on your behaviour and biometric data. All their products and websites are constantly monitoring your activity and grouping people by the subtleties of how they interact with digital means.
There are long wikipedia articles on Google, Microsoft, and other big tech privacy nightmare. The list of problems just keeps growing, and their world view (weltanschauung) is just immoral and wrong.
Unfortunately the privacy community is playing catch up to provide equivalent digital services and functionality. Please do your part by using as much as possible privacy centric tools (such as CruxVPN).
A quick-wins is to whenever in need of using a tool or social media provided by Big Tech, you should consider doing it using a privacy front end. For example: YouTube (Invidious, Meterialious, Piped), Twitter (Nitter), TikTok (ProxiTok), imgur (rimgo), reddit (redlib, teddit, libreddit), Quora (Quetre), Medium (Scribe), Wikipedia (Wikiless), many websites (LibRedirect). Do not give away your metadata to Big Tech as they profit from it and build a world of surveillance, the opposite of building the Kingdom of God. Catholics should have a problem of conscience when using the internet without privacy protections and a VPN.
The online world envisioned by Big Tech is a future we do not want to live in. Without privacy there is no free speech (protected in America by the first and fourth Amendments to the constitution, but under threat). This centralised panopticon is subject to data leaks that may endanger the common men. It is important to awaken people to this risk. Some people suffer cyber incidents and take a long time to recover, others suffer irrecoverable losses. If Big Tech gets too strong, the risks increase. The lack of privacy can lead to people being framed for crimes or actions they did not commit. Do your part on weakening the Goliath of Big Tech. Subscribe to CruxVPN and keep it active at all times, in all devices!
Protonmail and the CERN
Protonmail was created in 2014 by CERN people (Conseil européen pour la Recherche nucléaire - European Organization for Nuclear Research). A service advertised as privacy centred, done by CERN should not be taken seriously as the CERN speech is full of bad spirit and bad taste jokes.
CERN started in 1954 and over the years, it's objectives, words and activities have been disturbing to many. The organisation does not only hold scientific research but also questionable "art". Strange dance by non-Catholics Gilles Jobin (who states: "Contemporary art can be as obscure to them as physics is to me") and Julius von Bismarck (who was once arrested for whipping the Statue of Liberty, and in CERN led 22 physicists in total darkness through the winding tunnels underneath Cern, eventually locking them in a small dark space, where they listened to an old recording of the philosopher Bertrand Russell discussing Plato, when many scientists state to have seen bright flashes of colour in the dark). More about it can be read on The Guardian, 2012. Some years latter Ruben van Leer released a whole "dance-opera" distasteful film made there called symmetry.
Mixing constant weird dance with research is not the only activity that resembles rituals at CERN. In 2016 their personnel dick another joke, a mock ritual killing occult ritual that was filmed and went viral online, to which CERN responded "Cern welcomes every year thousands of scientific users from all over the world and sometimes some of them let their humour go too far. This is what happened on this occasion." This mock ritual was performed in front of the 2 meter tall bronze statue of the idol Shiva the destroyer.
In our opinion, CERN's environment is too welcoming to bad spirit and bad taste. The organisation is just too lenient with distasteful jokes, to say the least. We reject these resemblances of rituals and many mentions to devils by their people over the years (e.g. Jordi Rose's recruitment lectures to hire demonologists or software engineers).
We are diametrically opposed to technology seen as a Faustian Bargain. We also reject the Revolutionary utopia of redemption by science and technology. We don't think menkind can resolve all his problems, eliminate pain, poverty, ignorance, insecurity, in short, everything we refer to as the effect of Original or actual sin. We affirm the Redemption by Our Lord Jesus Christ. We do not believe in a world run by science and technology, by propaganda and psychology, in order to attain happiness without the supernatural.
The research activity in CERN with the Large Hydron Colider (LHC) is also concerning to many. In the 7th of July, 2022, the LHC produced a mysterious crack on the electromagnetic field of the earth that vanished withing a few minutes, but the remainder was open for 14 hours. This allowed solar winds to stream through the openings and caused strong geomagnetic storms. According to the researchers this occured due to the phenomenon called corotating interaction region from the sun, large scale plasma stranchers that are generated in the lower middle latitude regions due to the interaction of far solar wind streams and surronding slow solar wind. More on their scientific activities over the years can be seen on some videos available on rumble such as: video 1 and video 2
No personal data involved.
Further reading:
What is a VPN?
Educational resources on privacy
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